
We would like to kindly inform you that we do not conduct stationary sales at the company's headquarters, and we do not accept orders placed in person, on the spot.

We are a thriving online store with all our current range. Work is a passion for us, which is why we always offer professional advice and will be happy to answer any question.

In addition, we cordially invite you to NEONAIL'S SALES POINTS and to our official Dystrybutorów.

The online store operating at the Internet address www.neonail.pl, belongs to the company:

Cosmo Group Sp.z o.o. Sp.K.

ul. Jasielska 10 a
60-476 Poznań

+48 612 502 439

Entered in the business register under the number:

NIP(tax identification number) : 9721241158
Regon: 302250849

The store service www.neonail.pl works from Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 20:00