The increase in COSMO GROUP's exports through the implementation of the Go to Brand program.
Cosmo Group Sp. z o.o.
implements the project
"Implementing a B2B system to automate business processes with Partners."
from the Innovative Economy Operational Program, 2007-2013
Priority axis 8: Information society - increasing the innovativeness of the economy
Action 8.2: Supporting the implementation of B2B electronic business
The main goal of the project is to create a B2B platform to automate business processes implemented on the line of COSMO GROUP Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.- Partners. The planned creation of a B2B platform will automate business processes taking place between COSMO GROUP Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. limited liability company and business partners who will be able to implement cooperation via a web browser. As part of the project, electronic data exchange technologies will be implemented, leading to the elimination of paper document circulation. The goal of the project is to automate B2B processes in three-tier architecture, i.e. using a web platform, i.e. thin client. The IT solution being the subject of the project is the construction of a B2B automatic data exchange platform, functioning on the basis of modern workflow, which will allow automation of the assumptions identified at the stage of preparation for the implementation of the B2B system, business processes.
Range: international (Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Greece)
Target market: Poland and abroad
Financing agreement no. UDA-POIG.08.02.00-30-018 / 14-00
European funds - for the development of an innovative economy
11.07.2014 / Inquiry
COSMO GROUP Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.
ul. Akacjowa 4
62-002 Suchy Las
In connection with the implementation of the project "Implementation of the B2B system to automate business processes with Partners" under Measure 8.2 OP IE "Supporting the implementation of B2B electronic business" COSMO GROUP Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. is asking to submit a price offer for the purchase of:
1. Server - 1pc
2. Windows Server 2012 OEM R2 - 1pc
3. Windows Server Terminal 2012 with 5 INCH - 1pc
4. Microsoft SQL Server Standard 2012 - 1pc
5. Desktop computers with monitor - 10pcs.
6. Windows Server 2012 CAL for users - 12 pcs.
7. Microsoft SQL Standard 2012 CAL for users -12 pcs.
8. Installation and configuration of technical infrastructure and server software - 18 man-hours.
9. Comarch ERP XL Administration Module 12 pcs.
10. Comarch ERP XL Order Module 12 pcs.
11. Comarch ERP XL Accounting Module 1 item
12. Comarch ERP XL Business Intelligence Module 1 item
13. Data migration - 50 man-hours
14. System tests - 24 man-hours
15. Purchase of specialist training in the use of B2B system for own employees of COSMO GROUP Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. Partnership 60 man-hours
16. Implementation of Comarch ERP XL Administration Module - 38 man-hours
17. Implementation of Comarch ERP XL Order Module - 56 man-hours
18. Implementation of Comarch ERP XL Accounting Module - 20 man-hours
19. Implementation of Comarch ERP XL Business Intelligence Module - 60 man-hours
20. Comarch ERP XL Business Intelligence Module - access licenses - 2 items
21. Comarch ERP XL Trade and Sales Module 12 pcs.
22. Business Communication Platform (PwB2B) - 1 item
23. Implementation of the Business Communication Platform (PwB2B) - 194 man-hours
24. Implementation of Comarch ERP XL Trade - Sales Module 80rbg
A description of the subject of the inquiry can be found in the Specification attached to this inquiry.
The deadline for completing the subject of the contract will be agreed individually with the Bidder, whose offer will be considered the most advantageous.
An specification based on which the valuation should be made is an integral part of the request for quotation.
The bidder should indicate the technical parameters of the fixed assets offered or attach specifications to the offer form.
The offer should:
- contain the bidder's details
- have a date of preparation
- offer validity period
- include a statement that, if the offer is selected for implementation, the bidder will submit to the request of the Employer a written consent of the manufacturer to modify the standard functionalities of the system, written consent will be submitted within 1 day of the request of the Employer.
The offer should be sent via e-mail to the email address: or delivered to the office at ul. Akacjowa 4, 62-002 Suchy Las
If you have additional questions, please contact: +48 612 502 439
The deadline for sending offers is 18.07.2014. Offers submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
The bidder may change or withdraw his offer before the submission deadline.
The Purchaser does not allow the submission of partial bids and partial selection.
The Purchaser reserves the right to cancel the bidding procedure without giving a reason.
The bid evaluation criterion is:
1. Price: 60% The point value of the "Price" criterion is calculated according to the formula:
the lowest net offer value among the offers received
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- x 60
Net value indicated in the examined offer
2. Bidder's experience in implementing ERP XL systems over the last 3 years (from the submission deadline): 20%
The bidder's experience should be documented by a list of companies in which the ERP XL system has been implemented in the last 3 years - name and address of the client, deadline, subject of the service.
The point value of the "Experience" criterion is calculated according to the formula:
Number of completed orders in the examined offer
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- x 20
An offer indicating the highest number of completed orders in the offers received
3. The bidder's experience in implementing the Business Intelligence tool in the last 3 years (counting from the date of submission of the offer): 10%
The bidder's experience should be documented by a list of companies in which the Business Intelligence tool has been implemented in the last 3 years - name and address of the client, deadline, subject of the service, name of the client's representative who can confirm the implementation and his telephone number.
The point value of the "BI Experience" criterion is calculated according to the formula:
The number of completed BI orders in the examined offer
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- x 10
An offer indicating the highest number of completed BI orders in the offers received
4. Declared response time to reported problem: (10%, with 1 point = 1%)
The declared response time to report a problem is to ensure the Principal proper functioning of the B2B system after its implementation, which the Bidder will guarantee by ensuring the reaction of the consultant and a visit to the Principal's office as soon as possible from the moment of reporting the problem.
The point value of the "Experience" criterion is calculated as follows:
- arrival of a consultant in less than 1 hour. from reporting a problem - 10 points
- Arrival of the consultant from 1 hour. but less than 2 hours from reporting a problem - 8 points
- Arrival of the consultant within 2 hours. but less than 4 hours from reporting a problem - 6 points
- Arrival of the consultant within 4 hours. but less than 6 hours from reporting a problem - 4 points
- Arrival of the consultant within 6 hours. but less than 8 hours from reporting a problem - 2 points
- arrival of the consultant the next day from reporting the problem - 1 point
- telephone consultation, arranging arrival on a date other than indicated above - 1 point
- other than above - 0 points
The total score will cover the sum of points obtained by the offer in criteria 1-4. Points will be calculated to two decimal places, using common rounding rules.
With the Contractor whose offer receives the highest total score in the overall assessment, a contract will be concluded for the implementation of the project covered by this RFP.
If the documents referred to above are not attached, points for a given criterion will not be awarded.
Offer form template
Specification to the request for quotation
Server - 1 item
Minimal parameters:
Dell Power Edge, processor min .: 2.20 GHz, 6 cores, min .: 32 GB RAM, ENERGY STAR® certified
Intel Xeon E5-2430 (2.20GHz, 6 cores, 15MB cache, 7.2GT / s QPI, 95W, Turbo)
- 3.5-inch chassis for up to 8 Hot Plug hard drives
- 3 x 16GB RDIMM, 1600MHz, Low Volt, Dual Rank, x4
- 2 x 2TB SATA 7200 rpm 3.5 inch Hot Plug
- 2 x 300GB SAS 6Gb / s 10,000 rpm 2.5-inch 3.5 inch Hot Plug hybrid hard drive
- PERC H710 RAID adapter controller, 512MB non-volatile cache
- 2 x 2m power cord for a C13 / C14 12 A server cabinet
- Double redundant exchangeable without switching off the system power supply (1 + 1), 495W
- PERC cable for 3.5-inch chassis with 8 hard drives with hot-plug technology
- Built-in network card
- ReadyRails slide-in rails without a cable arm
- C21 - unconfigured array for H310 / H710 controller, 1-16 SAS / SATA / SSD drives
- iDRAC7 Express
- Warranty 3 Years - Next Business Day (1 year for SATA drives)
80 PLUS Platinum high efficiency power supplies
Intel Xeon E5 series used Intel Intelligent Power Capability technologies and Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 memory modules powered by 1.35V
Dell "Low-Flow" Fan Technology
Dell OpenManage
Desktop computers with monitor - 10 pcs.
Minimal parameters:
Computer - HP Intel I5 4th generation / 8 GB RAM / 256 SSD /
Multi-core, 64-bit, multi-threaded, 8MB cache
Monitor - Philips 24 '' monitor
Comarch ERP XL Administration Module 12 pcs.
Stand module. It will contain the initial configuration of the B2B system; defining document types and series; Defining the interface for individual users, assigning user access rights to databases, and access to program functions, B2B system backups, database indexing; Creating new fiscal periods with moving dictionaries from the previous period.
Comarch ERP XL Order Module 12 pcs.
Stand module. It will complement the sales module and will manage processes related to the handling of offers and orders. In the B2B system, document circulation in this area will be able to take the form of an inquiry, through an offer, up to the order, which can be further automatically converted into commercial and warehouse documents.
The module will enable partial or comprehensive execution of orders. Elements of order documents can be booked quantitatively or quantitatively for a specific Partner. Reservation of resources at the stage of accepting an inquiry, offer or order is of great importance with a large rotation of the range. The module will enable the creation of prepayment / advance documents associated with a specific order.
Comarch ERP XL Accounting Module 1 item
Stand module. The module will enable management of commercial documents (invoices and invoice corrections), as well as watching over receivables and the state of settlements with partners. The module will enable tracking transaction history and settlements with the partner as well as insight into turnover, balance of receivables of given Partners on any day of the financial year, taking into account any period.
Comarch ERP XL Business Intelligence Module 1 item, Comarch ERP XL Business Intelligence Module - access licenses - 2 items
Server module. Business Intelligence is a module that will enable reporting from all areas of the B2B system operation. The module will be equipped with a Book of Reports - a solution whose role will be to enable simple creation of analytical summaries, not only in the form of pivot tables or charts, but also maps and scorecards. More advanced module functionalities will allow creating any dedicated reports. Business Intelligence will enable planning and budgeting of analytical areas of cooperation with Partners, will have implemented convenient budget templates for immediate application and will contain mechanisms facilitating data entry, with a view to easily identifying the permissions for persons entering the budget (both from the Partner and the COSMO GROUP LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY limited partnership). Access to the application and reports will be possible via a web browser via the e-BI tool. E-BI will enable multi-base analysis based on B2B system databases. Reports will be presented using OLAP technology and tabular reports or charts.
The scope of functionality of the BI module will go beyond data exchange or handling business relations, as it will concern the processing of base (input) data in the B2B system, e.g. orders from Partners, assortment, reservations, etc. for data with complex structures relative to input data - the output will be complex multi-dimensional and multi-domain reports from all data aggregated in the B2B system. The Electronic Automatic Data Processing Service within the BI module will guarantee the highest precision and accessibility for Partners while maintaining a high level of data security
Access licenses for users - the necessary access module for users supporting reporting in the BI module
Purchase of specialist training in the use of B2B system for own employees of COSMO GROUP Lts. Liability Ltd. Partnership Company 60 man-hours
A dedicated specialist training on the functioning and operation of the B2B system will be conducted for people involved in the implementation of the project - own staff of 12 B2B system users).
The scope of training (main thematic areas):
- B2B system - general information
- Rules for using the B2B system
- Functionalities of the B2B system modules
Comarch ERP XL Trade and Sales Module 12 pcs.
Stand module. It will allow full service for purchasing and selling goods in the B2B system. This module will enable a full sales process path to be carried out at one position with appropriate authorizations for other modules: starting from the offer inquiry, through the offer for the Partner, order, invoice to settlement of invoices and posting the invoice without having to switch between modules. It will have extensive structures for creating promotions and discounts, packaging calculators, as well as individual characteristics of resources - batches of goods. Advanced defined price lists in combination with promotion management mechanisms, discount thresholds for groups and individual cards of both Partners and the assortment will become a powerful tool to meet the expectations of business partners.
Business Communication Platform (PwB2B) - 1 item
It will be a dedicated information management module based on data downloaded from the ERP system database (Comarch ERP XL). PwB2B will be hosted on the server. It will be a module thanks to which the partners will have access to all current and archived documents that were issued for a given partner. It will allow presenting the company's offer along with their description and photos, as well as prices dedicated to a given partner (after taking into account its rebate level, payment dates, etc.). The functionality of the module will ensure the definition and storage of business objects in the B2B system corresponding to the range that will be currently on sale. In addition, this module will allow access to current inventory levels, sending messages and publishing commercial information for partners. The module will be equipped with a partner profile that will allow you to change / update company and contact details. The basic functionality of the module will be providing access to the (web) interface to the system in the online version - which will create the possibility of placing orders in the module itself on the actual inventory, at a given time, and viewing order documents (historically) or re-ordering historical order database (re-execution of historical order). The core of the application will be the MVC3 or MVC4 Framework, with which the following functions will be implemented:
User identification and access rights:
Authorization keys (depending on arrangements) will be based on login, e-mail, password etc. The authorization system, due to the possibility of servicing many partners, will be fully configurable, divided into: administrators, contractors, employees, etc. At any time, it will be possible to add a new one profile of permissions through the interface.
PwB2B will have its own SQL database in which all necessary data to support the application and contractors will be stored. Along with the need, the application will download the necessary information from the Comarch ERP XL database, while creating a coherent structure in its own database.
Communication with the XL database.
PwB2B will communicate with the Comarch ERP XL database to download the data needed to support partners. It will also be possible to send feedback to the XL database, for example to synchronize slopes. The basis for communication will be:
- WebService or REST WebService with implemented data encryption (SSL),
- directly the API of the Comarch ERP XL system,
- direct operations based on Comarch ERP XL,
Access to the data:
PwB2B will enable Partners to automatically access price list files, item lists, view inventory and archival documents such as orders and invoices, as well as sales settlements and reports / reports.
Order and sales service
The PwB2B system has been designed to integrate the supply chain. It will replace the traditional communication channel between COSMO GROUP LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP COMPANY limited liability company and the recipients. Benefits of implementing PwB2B in the area of procurement:
- monitoring of inventory and pairing of goods inventory on the go
- execution of the contract
- settlement of purchases - so-called three-way settlement of purchases, i.e. reconciliation of the order with an external issue, invoice and payment
- the ability to assign annotations to a specific document (order, external edition, invoice)
The sales area will be served based on the previous order placed on the platform. It will allow to eliminate errors arising with traditional oral and paper form of data exchange.
A communicator will be implemented in PwB2B enabling quick exchange of information and documents between the parties. The messenger will enable the exchange, versioning and archiving of digital documentation with full preview of the history of agreements between the parties. This will reduce the amount of paper used and automate the circulation of unattended documents in the company. The platform will be a module made available to Partners to implement business processes and will also have several language versions to support foreign partners.
Alarm and notification system
A configurable system will be implemented in PwB2B sending appropriate prompts and alerts to users (e.g. about exceeding the payment deadline, about an upcoming digital document, about issuing an invoice, about the approaching payment date for invoices). The notification area will cover the structure and proper operation of the application. In the event of a data inconsistency or error, the automatic prompt will eliminate duplication of error.
The application will not be a closed product. It will be able to be freely expanded in the future with new functionalities and modules. The advantage of the solution will be no license fees after purchasing the software. The purchase will ensure perpetual usability of the application integrated with the Comarch ERP XL system
Transport of exhibits to the INTERCHARM KIEV fair taking place between 20-22.09.2017